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Love Ever After: How My Husband Became My Spirit Guide [Paperback]

 Reader Reviews:oh Book Best !


I gave this book to my Mother after her husband died and as she has already had a number of experiences with her Dad and Grandmother after they passed, she was very receptive and comforted by Joy's message.

As a result, she has allowed herself to stretch her awareness to maintaining and developing her relationships with her departed loved ones as have I.

I am so grateful for this book. It has opened so many minds of the people I know who have read it to the possibility that even though a loved one is not physically present, the relationships can go on and be even better -- because the departed is no longer limited by the earthly perspective, but now have a more expanded view that can also be very helpful and they continue to lovingly guide and connect with us from beyond.

We just have to keep our minds and hearts open and choose to connect with them. It is so rewarding!

Judith Malin......

Joy's book is a very important piece for todays world; as many are now exploring the possibility of life after death, reincarnation and multidimensional states of consciousness.

Love Ever After, gives a clear, easy to read account of Joy's personal experience with communication from her husband who had passed to the other side.

The read is enjoyable and down to earth, filled with recounts from everyday life that everyone can relate to.

I could not put it down! I read the whole book in one night!

Her story can be of great service to those who grieve over the loss of a loved one. I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves another.

This book can give hope, peace and comfort to many.

Thank you Joy for writing this book.

Suzanne Copeland

Wife, Mother, Grand Mother,Therapist

This book inspired me to realize that communication and love does not end with the demise of the physical body. I was fortunate enough to meet Joy Mitchell Lisker before her own passage. She consistently received guidance from her deceased husband and the continued outpouring of love supported her enjoyment of the rest of her own life to the fullest. The information I received from this book has helped me connect with my departed father in a loving and healing communication. Thank you, Joy, forever! 

Love Ever After: How My Husband Became My Spirit Guide [Paperback]


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