
Wikileaks Iraq war logs: every death mapped The Wikileaks Iraq war logs provide us with a unique picture of every death in Iraq. These are those events mapped using Google Fusion tables

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Wikileaks Iraq war logs: every death mapped

The Wikileaks Iraq war logs provide us with a unique picture of every death in Iraq. These are those events mapped using Google Fusion tables
Spot on 'Saltcity' I am British but have quite a few close US friends and your analysis is as they would see it.
Americans have a very isolationist tunnel view of the outside even if the Sovereign State that represents them is imperialistic and expansionist.
In fact most Americans seem to at war with everyone who pokes their nose into the way they live day to day including their own Government Federal or State
I think you only need take a look at the many many thousands of newspaper and online thread comments and of mainstream media on anything to do with the US military action and almost to a person there is condemnation of the outsider- or even fellow American-criticising the US and its military or at best an 'ah yes, but you don't see the big picture and you have not been through what we have been through' defense and no shock or revulsion at all at the revelations of wrong doing any that are are quickly drowned out by fellow patriots, in fact to criticize any wrong doing is simply 'unpatriotic' or 'liberal' 'lefty' or 'socialist'.
Actually as British we are well used to Terrorism coming to us in our own homeland but Americans had a massive shock at 9/11 and I doubt non will ever forget or forgive that day-rightly so- anymore than they would Pearl Harbor so kind of understandable they feel the way they do and hostile to criticism.
That said I am not going to criticize the military, they have a job to do in very difficult circumstances and and they were sent there by Bush to do that.
Unfortunately in war,vile atrocities happen, troops get scared or gung-ho in an alien and dangerous environment where death is stalking them everywhere and keeping a lid on unprofessional behaviour when nerves are high is difficult and if your higher command is saying 'I ain't watching you guys I'm looking the other way' then these things are going to happen.No way is that an excuse but its a reality of any war and anyone who thinks this stuff is all new behaviour and down to US or British troops needs to seriously take a look at the history books on conflicts..the 20th century is just a small starter lesson on state approved military atrocities.
Far more people are murdered by the military of mainland China every year yet no one says a dicky bird because we do big business with them.We have an extra-ordinary ability to be selective about our moral indignation and about who and what we choose to criticize
Non of the US or UK military should be there out there risking their lives and the lives of ordinary civilians it was the wrong thing to do from the outset but that will be for history and the law to decide on in the future.
The trillions of dollars wasted bombing the shit out of Iraq and Afghanistan could have been spent more effectively on beefing up the homeland security of US territory and using a more covert approach at catching the real hard-core minority of extremists.Instead the invasions have only spawned tens of thousands more angry wood-be terrorists and made the US and UK more vulnerable not less.In the end the Afghans will come to a private deal with the Taliban and all the advantage gained by military victories will be wasted.

There is no point undermining the troops while they are there though,they have a shit job as it is and no doubt to a man would prefer to not be there.Better supervision of ops may help but the real post mortem on what happened and is happening, by necessity, has to be left till things are completed in whatever form that comes.
Its easy for millions to sit in the safety of their living room behind a screen and criticize when they are not there and not in that surreal and dangerous environment.
I think many seem to forget that luxury they are endowed with.Before computers we used to physically go demonstrate against the Government. and get beat up by the police.....far easier now -and safer- for many to abuse those at the front line from the comfort and security of a comfy armchair where they don't in reality have to commit effort -or blood maybe even their lives-to their protest!.......
Blah, blah, f*cking blah... Look at me... I read a book once (see above)... Look at me... I see a dot where someone slipped and died as opposed to getting ripped to pieces by a bomb... Opening up the possibility that all these dots represent people who fell over and dies as opposed to being victims of war!
Pathetic... This map for all its failings is a just graphical representation of just how many people have have died as a result of the agenda of the West.
Look at those dots... Has anyone anywhere in these comments apologised for that agenda? Anywhere in these comments, is there an apology for the amount of suffering inflicted as a result of this misguided agenda? Weapons of mass destruction my ass... Al Qaeda my ass...
The suffering of both the people of Iraq and of those naive enough to allow themselves to be sent abroad to be slaughtered for no reason other than to serve the agenda of self-serving Western politicians...
Man up everyone... Say it out loud... I am not going to slavishly defend the Bush agenda by pretending that these people were involved in 9/11... I am not going to slavishly follow the liberal agenda of saying I told you so... All of us sat on our backsides and let it happen....
Let is just say that we are sorry that your brother, sister, mother, father or child was killed... Full stop! it was a mistake... It was wrong... It should not happen any more!
I am sorry for what I have allowed to happen!.....

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